Global Facial Rebalancing

At the Aura Clinic London® we believe in seeing the bigger picture, and our approach to facial aesthetics is no different.

With our concept of global facial rebalancing, we aim to create aesthetic results that take the entire face into account, rather than problem areas in isolation. This perspective can change our treatment strategies, and at the heart of the concept lies a thorough understanding of what the patient’s aesthetic objectives are, while aiming to realise the patient’s aesthetic potential fully.

This approach may well involve more subtle changes occurring over several months, to create a more complete final result, to ensure a more natural-looking change, and a more “rebalanced” face.

Global Facial Rebalancing is a bespoke facial anti-ageing treatment strategy tailored to the patient, that may include a combination of any of the individual treatments listed on this website. It is a process rather than simply a procedure. Like all of our Face Couture series, the first step is a comprehensive one-hour Face Couture® consultation (£150).

This involves a full medical consultation (history), facial aesthetic assessment, identification of all your aesthetic concerns and objectives and how they may relate and link to each other, so that the most efficient and effective treatment strategy can be determined.

For more information or to book a consultation call +44 (0) 203 398 1524 or email us at [email protected]., we would be glad to assist you.

Case Study

Patient A is a 35 year old health professional who initially sought only lip enhancement using dermal filler.

After a thorough medical and aesthetic consultation, the patient’s concerns and ideas were explored a little further. It became clear that rather than simply desiring fuller lips, Patient A was concerned that her lower face looked in general “older and duller” than she felt it should at her age.

Dr. Dayal Mukherjee determined that while enhancing the lips alone was a relatively simple thing to do, the perioral area (area around the mouth) had several minor age-related issues that needed addressing.

There was first of all a loss of skin elasticity, radiance and tone, there were several fine wrinkles including at the corners of the mouth (marionette lines) and from the mouth corners to the nose (nasolabial lines). The filtrum (the two vertical ridges running from the middle of the top lip to the nose) had also lost definition, as a result contributing a sunken appearance to the area. Finally there appeared to be subtle overactivity of the two small muscles (the depressors anguli oris) responsible for pulling the mouth corners downwards on each side, and this was contributing both to her marionette wrinkles and to a general age-related sunken look to her lower face.

The final treatment strategy

a) Skin Revitalisation: Dermaroller (medical microneedling) therapy to the area around the mouth to improve skin quality, elasticity and firmness. Dermaroller is a simple 20-30min procedure that stimulates collagen production and cell renewal in the skin.

b) Perioral Rejuvenation: Three weeks after the dermaroller treatment, the patient returned to clinic to have the fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth corrected with dermal filler. Areas enhanced: marionette lines, nasolabial lines, filtrum. In addition, the two overactive muscles responsible for slight downturning of her mouth corners were neutralised using botulinum toxin (Botox)

c) A week later, after the botulinum had taken effect, the lips were finally enhanced using Juvederm Volbella dermal filler.

In this combination approach to the lower face, we effectively restored and optimised the area surrounding the mouth in preparation for her lip enhancement. A result of this was that a significantly lower quantity of dermal filler was required for the actual lip enhancement. In effect we created a rejuvenated foundation in the area around the mouth to ‘frame’  her newly enhanced lips.

Final outcome

The patient achieved the lip enhancement she wanted, but also improved skin quality, and a generally rejuvenated lower face.